
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 05:11:13






主题1:What do you expect to get in college and how would you budget your campus life?

2:What can you do to better adapt to a new environment or a new culture?

3:What do you think of smoking? And offer your reasons.

4:Could you give some suggestions on how to relieve stress?



That’s it! You’ve had it! You’re ready to make the change to a healthy lifestyle. You have had enough of the fast food lunches and the couch potato evenings in front of the television. You’re tired of looking in the mirror in disgust as you try to squeeze into the jeans that fit perfectly just last year. Well, now that you have REALLY decided to make the change to a healthy lifestyle, where do you begin? It can be a bit overwhelming however; the following ten steps will give you the answers you need to change your life!

1. Set Goals - You must set goals to be successful. A goal must be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and have a timetable. For example, a good weight loss goal would state that you want to lose six pounds in four weeks. This goal is specific; you want to lose six pounds. You can measure your results using a scale. For most people, losing six pounds in four weeks is both attainable and realistic, and you have attached a timetable to it of four wee