
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/01 14:27:18
摘 要
在日常的生活和工作中, 住宅与部门的安全防范、单位的文件档案、财务报表以及一些个人资料的保存多以加锁的办法来解决。若使用传统的机械式钥匙开锁,人们常需携带多把钥匙, 使用极不方便, 且钥匙丢失后安全性即大打折扣。随着科学技术的不断发展,人们对日常生活中的安全保险器件的要求越来越高。为满足人们对锁的使用要求,增加其安全性,用密 码代替钥匙的密码锁应运而生。密码锁具有安全性高、成本低、功耗低、易操作等优点。

关键字:电子密码锁 FPGA VHDL EDA

FPGA-based electronic code lock design
In day-to-day living and working in the residential sector and the safety precautions, units of paper files, financial statements, and some personal information to the preservation of more than locking the solution to the problem. If the use of traditional mechanical key to unlock, people often need to carry more keys, a very inconvenient to use, and after the loss of key security that is greatly reduced. With the continuous development of science and technology, in the daily lives of people on insurance safety devices increasingly demanding. To meet the requirements of the use of locks to increase their security, with a password instead of the password key lock came into being. Password lock is safe, low cost, low power consumption, easy to operate, and other advantages.
In this paper, advanced EDA (electronic design automation) technology, using Quartus Ⅱ work platforms and VHDL (super-high-speed integrated circuit