Read the following passage carefully and choose the correct one

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/19 08:41:01
from the two choices given to fill in each blank.

The other night as I walked ______(from\onto) the garage, a portly man wearing a stocking cap ______(exited\emerged)from a bush and aimed a pistol berween my eyes. As I set down my KFC,I ___(intentionally\presently)tossed my keys into a shrub.
I said my money was in my wallet.He moved to___(research\search)my trousers pocket.
Suddenly, I was faced with his ____(slight\light) partner with___(polished\punished) eyes and legs like attachments___(for\to) unseen wires.Both men shouted to stop___(look\to look)at them.I was trying to notice detice details so I could remember them.
_____(When\Then),I was on the ground,guns at my neck and temple,my face digging into dirt on the____(sidewalk\sideways).
I felt I was going to die. _____(Expectedly\Unexpexpectedly)they asked a question:"What is this?" It was my KFC. They grabbed the_____(fried\file

The other night as I walked (from) the garage, a portly man wearing a stocking cap (emerged)from a bush and aimed a pistol berween my eyes. As I set down my KFC,I (intentionally)tossed my keys into a shrub.
I said my money was in my wallet.He moved to(search)my trousers pocket.
Suddenly, I was faced with his (slight) partner with(polished) eyes and legs like attachments(to) unseen wires.Both men shouted to stop(looking)at them.I was trying to notice detice details so I could remember them.
(Then),I was on the ground,guns at my neck and temple,my face digging into dirt on the(sidewalk).
I felt I was going to die. (Unexpexpectedly)they asked a question:"What is this?" It was my KFC. They grabbed the(fried)chicken and ran, their footsteps fading(into)the night.
I phoned the police who called back for(additional)details. (Accidentally) these two probably committed several (robberies) in
my (neighbornood).
At the police station I looked