
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 18:26:02
the proverb goes :"silence is good ."is this true?

yes, "silence is good." is so old a proverb, which is quite a great quality at a time when solemnity is recognized as a virtue, or when being "cool" is a mode of life.

However, silence sometimes would prevent you from showing yourself, since eveone is himself because he is different with others. If we all keep silence, how could others recognize us?

Everything has two sides.We can't say "Yes" or "No" absolutely.So it depends on the situation.

it depends, sometimes silence is good, when the others are noisy, or they are talking about the thing which is not good to talk about.
However, sometimes they need you to speak out, you'b better do not be slience. Slience won't let you look knowledgable.