回答下列问题 200字以上

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:00:43
1. Due to water shortage, many cities in China face severe water shortage in supplying aspect. So could you design a program to alleviate this problem, and illustrates what effect of this measure on consumer surplus?

1 。由于水资源短缺,中国许多城市面临严重的水资源供应方面短缺的问题。因此,你能不能设计一种方案,以缓解这个问题,并且说明了什么影响,并且说明这项措施的什么作用对消费者节余?

In the usual attention because of the time not to close the tap, tap some of the bad, the departments concerned not promptly repair; Some kids do nothing on Wanshui, water……. There is some contamination of fresh water, resulting in not drinking. And so on the reasons.
As usual can Xicai, Taomi water can be used to Jiaohua. Wash your hands to wash your face clean water (not soap) can be delayed, Chong toilet…… so every one save point, it will save a lot of water.