once a seashell man

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 04:21:38
once a seashell man
always a seashell man



这是电影The Big Clock (1948)里的一句台词
里面有个犹他州的穷人以obtain seashell为生 这句是提他的


[The Man, apparently a secretary or assistant to Stroud, is trying to urge Stroud to go to a scheduled meeting with all of the managing editors for Janoth's publishing company.]

STROUD: [still on the phone, ignoring the Man] Ya have? Oh, wonderful! Where was he? What did I tell ya? Once a seashell man, always a seashell man.

[Stroud here is talking on the phone with one of his reporters, currently in Salt Lake City, Utah. The reporter has located a fugitive that the Crimeways magazine has been running stories on. The fugitive is now in Utah. The fugitive has apparently gone to Utah to obtain rare seashells.]