
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 10:44:40


a. 工地上严禁大小便,职工自觉遵守。
b. 遵守作息时间,不得擅自离开工作岗位,有事外出需请假。
c. 工地上不得小偷、小摸,不得将工程材料、私人财产放入包内占为己有,一经发现,严肃处理。
d. 由于本工程多工种交叉作业,不要擅自拆除、破坏其它工种的施工成果。
e. 工地上严禁打架、闹事、酗酒,产生的后果由当事人负责。
f. 保证睡眠,晚上11:00以后不要大声喧哗,影响他人休息。
g. 套丝机机油、套丝机渣不得污染地坪,人字梯注意包角。
h. 施工现场、仓库必须每天清扫,材料堆放整齐,规格一目了然
i. 任何人不得以任何借口与甲方、业主人员发生口角、抬杠,有事与班组长请示或与现场安全、质量员联系。
a. 施工现场临时食堂应配备满足卫生防疫要求的必要设施,能够防蝇、防鼠、防潮。保证食堂环境和炊具的正常消毒,保持食堂有一个良好的清洁卫生环境。
b. 食堂炊事人员必须身体健康,持证上岗并定期检查。平时养成良好习惯,勤理发、勤洗澡、勤剪指甲、勤换衣服。
c. 严格管理食堂废物的排放。应采用排烟设备,减少有毒、有害气体排放,对生活废水的排放应集中消毒净化排向下水道,对固体生活垃圾应集中封存。
d. 食堂采购物品必须符合卫生安全有关标准,特别是与人们善食直接相关的水、米、面、油、调料、蔬菜、肉、水果等一定要有相关部门检验合格产品,保证 新鲜、卫生。
e. 蔬菜的采购储存量品种应有利改善调剂伙食,以防腐烂、变质、赞成浪费。

Site safety signs and civilization construction plan

To achieve this objective, special measures enacted as follows:
Pre-construction projects in well-prepared on the basis of "civilization of the Environmental Protection Plan", it is the organization of important documents, which defined the major projects for their respective responsibilities and scope of work to build a civilization of the organic environment guarantee System, and on the implementation of the project.

15, employees of the requirements of civilization:
a. urine is prohibited on the site, workers conscientiously abide by.
b. comply with the rest of time, will be allowed to leave their jobs to be on emergency leave.
c. site may not be thieves, small touch, not to engineering materials, private property Add to the package of their own, once discovered, dealt with sternly.
d. Since the cross-operation projects and more jobs, not to unauthorized removal an