
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/21 14:23:33

Things You’ll Need:你需要的东西
Landry detergent, laundry pretreatment or dish soap 洗衣液
Clean sponge 干净的海棉
Washing machine 洗衣机
Paper towels 纸巾
Hydrogen peroxide 双氧水
Towel or washcloth 毛巾

Step1 第一步,用纸巾吸干葡萄酒渍,如干洗就不用了。Blot the stain immediately with paper towels. If it is a dry clean only garment do not pretreat the stain and get it as fast as you can to the cleaners. Pretreatment of the stain can cause irreversible damage and the dry cleaner may not be able to remove the stain.
Step2 第二步 一勺洗衣液加一杯双氧水混合,用混合液把干净的海面浸湿,拧得半干,轻轻的在有葡萄酒的地方粘几下。Combine 1 teaspoon laundry soap or pretreatment (or dish soap, like Dawn) and 1 cup hydrogen peroxide in a small bowl. Soak a clean sponge in the mixture, squeeze it halfway dry, then gently blot the stain.
Step3第三步:在衣服的里外都放一块毛巾,防止酒渍深入里面。Place a dry towel or washcloth between the front and back of the garment if the stain has not penetrated through to the back of the fabric. This will prevent staining