
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 18:10:28
Magazines including Forbes, Playboy, Maxim and Rolling Stone have built websites that go well beyond their print editions, offering exclusive video, mobile updates, blogs, widgets and special ad units. Magazine companies are investing in ad networks such as Jumpstart Automotive Media, acquired by Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S. in April 2007, and partnerships such as the deal between Hearst Magazines and YouTube to build magazine-branded video channels.
Magazine sites attracted 70.7 million unique monthly visitors during the first quarter of the year, up 11.9% from the first quarter of 2007, according to a Magazine Publishers of America report last Tuesday. That's a much faster rate of growth than the internet as a whole enjoyed in the same period.
But advertisers' priorities, methods and media partners are clearly continuing to change.
"It was time for us to make a bigger bet in the digital arena," said Campbell Brown, VP-director, Southern Comfort Amer

杂志网站吸引了7070.0万包月访问者在今年第一季度,增长11.9 % ,从2007年第一季度,根据一本杂志出版商美国的报告上周二。这是一个快得多的增长速度比互联网作为一个整体所享有的在同一时期。
“这是时间让我们作出更大的赌注押在数字上, ”坎贝尔说,布朗,副总裁主任,南区的舒适美洲。
这主要是因为布朗先生想扩大的影响日益增长的社区组织协会的音乐体验,一节开锣第四个年头, 5月17日在亚特兰大。沉重的是幕后的谈话录音,乐队表演和人群的访谈上运行,其音乐频道,通过十一月。
“我们正在一个不小的品牌,但我们还不是巨人不是,所以你真的要的基础上做出决定的负担能力,和您想要的保证, ”布朗先生说。 “数字化提供了一定的灵活性,提供对原来的承诺,您可能无法找到,在打印” 。
JVC公司的视频,所谓“把我关于”发挥了一些300000倍,在其第一周。它的被下载超过1000次,为reposting旅客的MySpace网页, Facebook的个人资料或个人博客,根据约翰达菲,高级副总裁-销售策略和伙伴关系,在沉重的, “在该杂志世界将相当于剥开一插入,运行下来,街及显示它所有的朋友“ 。

