
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 22:55:18
通 告


1. 每天下班前请各自带走桌下的垃圾袋,断绝老鼠的食物来源。
2. 办公桌上的用具杂物请收拾干净,东西摆放整齐,桌面保持清洁。
3. 仓库要经常检查,不使鼠类营巢。
4. 公司已购买电子驱鼠器,用于驱赶老鼠。



To prevent the rats to bring us the trouble and danger, let us together do a good job in the Office of Health.

1. Before their day away from work under the table of garbage bags, eliminate food source for rodents.
2. On the desk of debris to clean up the appliances clean and tidy display things, maintain a clean desktop.
3. To carry out regular checks of warehouses, not to rodent nesting.
4. Flooding has been the purchase of electronic mouse, used to drive away rats.
