
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 23:08:19

His work illustrates some of the main ____ in modern American drama.
A.distances B.situations C.trends D.condition

The project did not ____ though there was something wrong with the machine.
A.cut off B.cut short C.cut down D.cut up

Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me this coming Christmas.
A.which B.that C.when D.whether

Bungee jumping is an adventure sport,popular with young adults, ____ courage matters more than strength.
A.whose B.that C.of which D.where

In this experiment,they are wakened several times during the night,and asked to report what they ____.
A.had just been dreaming B.are just dreaming C.just dreamt D.have just been dreaming

--The song is really wonderful.
--Absolutely!I'm sure ____ can match it.
A.no one B.none

1. 考点是main trend 主流。著作反映的是主流。 main situation是主要情况,例如舞台状况之类,这些并不是用著作内容来反映的。

2. 工程cut short就是中断缩短,之前已有部分成果,但因故缩短。cut off是将连接切断,例如切断电话信号。

3. promise后面应该跟that,答案有点问题。whether的话就不是promise了。

4. 后半句是说“在这项运动中”courage更重要,因此使用where。

5. 他们做梦对现在是有影响的,用完成时态表征这个影响。而且这里梦是中途被打断,并没有做完梦,所以又使用进行时态。

6. none: (其中)没有任何一个
no one: 没有任何人
这里的意思是没有任何一首“歌”可以匹敌,属于“其中”的概念,将指代限制于歌曲的范围。不是人,不用no one & nobody;不可宽泛到任何物品,所以不用nothing。