
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 04:32:36


Traditional British Food

Britain has a reputation for a diet of solid, simple food - food that fits and feeds both the working man, and the nobility. As every worldwide culture has a tradition of reliance upon local food, the same goes for Britain, which as befits an island, has a wealth of fish. Also, due to the country's climate and annual rainfall creating lush pasture and agricultural land, great quality meat and vegetables.

Fish and Chips

Ah, the great dish of fish and chips... haddock or cod (cod is frowned upon these days due to overfishing of cod stocks in the north sea), or even plaice, fried to a golden complexion in a smooth, silky batter, perhaps even a batter with some extra flavour - beer, for instance.

Then paired with a steaming pile of chips - well-cut, well-fried, from local potatoes, to a dark yellow, golden hue. Chip-shops in the north of the country often include the bits of batter too, affectio