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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/17 05:35:53

1. In a study done by the National Association of colleges and Employers, only _4%_ of employers sueveyed said they reneged on job offers, and only 30% of colleges claimed some of their students were _hired_then let go. Other companied like Pricewater IIousc Coopers are pushing back start dates for new hires.
2.In a study done by the National Association of Colleges and Employers last fall, companies surveyed planned to hire _25%_more college grads this year. In an updated study this spring, those same companies reduced projections to _18%_, still a significant _increase_.
3.A _4.5%_unemployment rate is still _very good news_for upcoming college gradnates. College students are _younger_ and _cheaper_. and companies love that kind of thing. So the _lay-offs_may not necessarily affect your _job prospectets_if you are an upcoming college graduate.
4. Depending on yopur major. _Liberal arts_ grads including English, and psychology majors once _snapped up_