
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 18:07:46
美国作家William Faulkner的短篇小说A Rose For Emily中的玫瑰,被认为是美国文学史上最鬼魅也最感伤的一朵(the most haunting yet the most sentimental),然而实际上小说从头到尾,都没有这朵花儿的出现。福克纳献给艾米莉小姐的玫瑰,其实是唱给约克纳帕塌法世系逝去往昔的一首哀 歌,南方贵族曾经的荣光渐已成为奢侈的念想,不过却因记忆的封存而分外轮廓鲜明起来,就像小说里所写的,对那个时代的人来说,“过去的岁月不是一条越来越 窄的路,而是一片广袤的连冬天也对它无所影响的大草地,只是近十年来才像窄小的瓶口一样,把他们同过去隔断了”。福克纳枝蔓丛生、纠缠往复的行文犹如精心 织就的一张网,把人不由自主地网进其中,触到那朵幽暗之中倔强开放的玫瑰。我想这玫瑰一定是红色的,颓而艳的红,是太过华丽的感伤。


American writer William Faulkner's A Rose For Emily Short Stories of the Rose, was considered an American literary history is also the most sentimental of the ghosts of one (the most haunting yet the most sentimental), in fact novel from start to finish, however, are not Duo of the flowers there. Faulkner dedicated to the Miss Emily Rose is actually the collapse of Napa Changji York law descent passing away of an Elegy the past, once the glory of the South aristocracy gradually has become a luxury to read, but because of the archive and memory Particularly distinctive outline, as if the novel written by the people of that era, "In the past years is not a more narrow road, but a vast even the winter it's no big impact on grass, but Over the past 10 years as the only narrow the bottle, they had cut off in the past. " Faulkner Zhiwan proliferation of reciprocating the struggle to weave a carefully worded like the one network, people who could not help but to network i