
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/04/29 15:44:07
小学生明日升学面试,又不太懂说,怕说不好,哥哥姐姐们快帮我~~~~~~~~介绍要说清:我的名字叫 ***,今年**岁,我来自**小学,六年级*班.我喜欢读书、唱歌,我最喜欢的运动是游泳。我的英语、语文比较好,因为它们非常有趣。急急急急急急~~!!!???

please intorduce yourself to us
my name is xxx, i am xx years old. I came from xxprimary school and i am in class xx Grade 6. i love reading, singing and my favorite sport is swimming. I am good at English and Chinese, because they are very interesting.

My name is XXX.

I come from XX primary school.

I'm in class XX grade six.

I like reading and singing.

My favourite sport is swiming.

I'm good at English and Chinese because they are very interesting.

Please allow me to introduce myself
My name is ...
I'm x years old and i'm a six grader.(我觉得班级就不必了吧。非要加的话就说I'm from class x grade six)
Reading and singing are my favorite hobbies. Swimming is my favorite sport.
I'm pretty good at English (这一句值得怀疑,呵呵) and Chinese, because I find them very interesting.