
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 13:10:44
As a legal services institution setting foot at the Pearl River Delta with the whole world in sight, D&S top management is farsighted and uniquely perceptive not only in setup of institution but also in attraction of talents, which in turn has gathered a lot of excellent talents of compound disciplinary background. Many D&S talents have degrees both in law and other discipline(s), involved in different industries with various professional qualifications. Some of them used to study or work abroad, others used to assume management post in multinationals, or graduated from well-known universities in foreign studies in China, or had excellent performance in international trade,their near-native English proficiency thus trained out plus knowledge of WTO rules and familiarity with the operation and management of multinationals make them feel quite at ease and with unique strength when serving foreign businesses or Chinese institutions involved in foreign-oriented business. To date, the most

.................作为一个法律服务机构的设置脚在珠江三角洲与整个世界的视线,的D & s最高管理是有远见的和独特的感知,不仅在机构设置,而且在吸引人才,这反过来又已聚集了很多优秀人才复合纪律的背景。许多d & S的人才有度,无论是在法律和其他纪律( s )款,所涉及的不同行业与不同的专业资格。他们中的一些可用来学习或工作的国外,其他用于承担管理后,在跨国公司,或毕业于著名的大学在国外的研究在中国,或有出色表现,在国际贸易中,他们几乎以英语为母语的能力,因此,受过训练的列加知识, WTO规则和熟悉的经营和管理的跨国公司,使他们感到颇为安心,并具有独特的力量,当服务的外国企业或机构所涉及的中国在国外为导向的业务。迄今为止,大部分的人才在我们的国际商业集团的做法,能够提供优质高效的法律服务,在体面的英语与专业化,在不同的法律领域,但协作配合,形成一个切实可行的高高素质的团队为外国为导向的法律服务,必要时。
