
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 13:27:23
But as can be seen from earlier chapters, the predominant nature of performance management systems in UK organizations is that they are in essence evolutionary developments of performance appraisal, or as Lundy and Cowling put it, “a logical progression” (1996: 307). This may be true of elsewhere also; for example, in the US Bernardin et al. (1998) note the substitution of “performance management” for “performance appraisal”. Being mindful of this I will outline an approach to the development and implementation of performance management which is consistent with the evolutionary stance but which allows for more radical and fundamental change. The basis of the approach comes form Mohrman et al.(1989). Though presented as an approach to the design of appraisal systems, it applies readily to performance management as conventionally practiced in the UK and I will therefore describe it in performance-management-related terms. I shall use the Mohrman et al. model as a general framework within


但可以看出,从前面几章的,主要的性质,绩效管理系统,在英国组织是他们在本质上的进化发展,考绩,或作为伦迪和罩把它“合乎逻辑的进展” ( 1996年: 307 ) 。这可能是如此,其他地方也;例如,在美国贝尔纳丁等人。 ( 1998 )注取代“绩效管理”为“考绩” 。念及此我将概述的做法,制定和实施绩效管理,这是一贯的与进化的立场,但允许为更激进的和根本的改变。根据该办法的形式来mohrman等人( 1989年) 。虽然作为一个方法来设计评价系统,它适用于容易,以绩效管理作为常规,实行在英国和,所以我会形容它在性能管理相关的条款。我会使用mohrman等人。模型作为一个总的框架内,我会纳入其他的模式,包括那些从更广泛的文学对管理的变化。的一个特征,许多最近的模型的绩效管理制度的设计是非常重视的地方,他们的诊断