
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 18:17:46
Your travel company must book facilities and services in advance or other package companies will book them first. Market research has shown that most customers will not pay more than a certain price for your holidays. To maintain your profits for that price, you can
afford to spend only 150 euros per person on extra services, in addition to your basic costs. Here are the choices of services and their prices.

Himalayan mountains holiday

Climbing course 30 euros
Trip to the glaciers and ice caves 30 euros
Hang-gliding course 60 euros
Market tour with local guides 20 euros
White-water rafting down the river 40 euros
Horseback visit to ancient temples 30 euros

Himalayan mountains holiday


您的旅行公司必须预定设施,并且服务或事先其他包裹公司首先将预定他们。 市场研究表示,多数顾客比某一价格不会支付更多您的假日。 要维护您的那个价格的赢利,您能 花仅150欧元的afford每人在额外服务上,除您的基本成本之外。 这服务和他们的价格选择。


Climbing路线30欧元 对冰川和冰洞的Trip 30欧元
Hang-gliding路线60欧元 与本机的Market游览引导20欧元 用筏子运送在河下40欧元的White-water 到古老寺庙的Horseback参观30欧元