关于可口可乐的国际营销的案例 帮忙回答

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 07:02:03
The most recognized brand name in the world got its start in an Atlanta pharmacy, where it sold for five cents a glass. The name Coca-Cola, registered as a trademark on January 31, 1893, was based on two of the drink’s ingredients: extracts from coca leaves and the cola nut. In its early days, when the drink contained a form of cocaine, a drug made from coca leave extracts, the Coca-Cola was marketed as an “Esteemed Brain Tonic and Intellectual Beverage.” The company’s first president, Asa Candler, was a savvy businessman who implemented numerous marketing strategies to increase consumption. At Candler’s behest, the company printed coupons offering complimentary first tastes of Coca-Cola, and outfitted distributing pharmacists with clocks, calendars, and scales bearing the Coca-Cola brand. The drink soon became a national phenomenon; by 1895, the company had established syrup plants in Chicago, Dallas, and Los Angeles.Coca-Cola expanded beyond the American borders in the

1. What is the primary basis for Coke’s past international marketing success? Is it only advertising?
No, it isn’t. Except advertising. It also took the following measures.
(1) The company often tailored the flavor, packaging, price to match the tastes in specific markets
(2) Local managers were assigned responsibility for sales and distribution programs of Coke products to reflect the marked differences in consumer behavior across countries.
2. Given the growing political and economic uncertainty, what changes can Coke make to it’s global marketing strategy?
In my opinion ,because of the political and economic uncertainty .Coke should think locally and act locally

3. What is the real meaning of “think locally and act locally”? Can and should this marketing philosophy always work? Why?
It means that Coke should make decision according to the specific environment in different countries. It will always work .If one company want to develop