
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:44:16
Hi what can i get you to drink? Tea?Coffee?
A.Either is OK B. I don't want tea. C.Never mind D.That's very kind of you

I've troubled you so much,doctor.-_________________
A.Thank you B you're all right C.never mind D that's very kind of you

What can i do for you? i want a pair shoes
-_____________-Size 6
A.what do you want B How may do you want
C.What size do you want D.what big shoes do you want

Li lei often talks____but does_____.so everyone says he is a good boy
A.less,more B.few ,much C more little D little many

Many girls would like to ____skirts in summer
A.put on B dress c have D wear

i'd like to invite you to my party tomorrow evening,Jane.-_______
A i don't like any parties B not at all C thank go asking me
D that's right

i have three english dictionaries.-I have nine . i have three times___you

1.A (D排除,D的意思相当于感谢,人家在问你喝什么,D的答案答非所问,C是指不介意,这句话往往是用在对方问你“Do you mind mine……”时才用,人家是要请你喝饮料,又没犯错,不应该用这种语气,B太冲了,直接拒绝很不礼貌,应该说“thank you, but I don't like tea”或者直接说“coffe,please”)
3.C(这最后不都说了size 6嘛~~~~~说明前一句店员应该在问尺码才对,B明显语法就错了,may和do都是助动词,一句话中怎么会有两个助动词呢!A意思不对,是问尺寸啦~~~~D应该是How big,big是形容词嘛~~~~~~~当然应该和how在一起用表示怎样大的鞋,所以只有C对)
4.A(都说是好孩子嘛肯定是少说多做,A中的less 是与所有人比,li lei说的最少~~~~~所以用最高级。后面的more是与他说的话相比,他做的很多~~~~~~所以用比较级)