英国签证student 的问题!急急急!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 09:02:57
6.1.30 have they set aside specific money for your studies?
这里是填yes 好还是no 好啊? 如果填yes 要写how much 我是写我担保金的钱的数额吗?
6.1.35 Do they have any savings or other readily available money
e.g.income from stocks and shares? please Provide details
6.1.37 what family does your financial sponsor have e.g.spouse,dependent children or other dependent relatives(parents,parent-in-law)? 这是要写什么啊?写dependent children吗?


2.savings 或 available money 这部分怎么写,要看你个人情况了

如果你父母有单位的话,可以回答The savings come mostly from my parents' salary.(然后可以简单说说他们什么单位)

如果你家是个体的话,the savings come mostly from my father's business.(可以简单说说你爸搞什么business)

They come from the money my mother made in the stock marcket.

part of the savings come from the rent of an appartement bought by my father XXX years ago.

3.资助人是你爸的话,写spouse and dependent children