Debt 和Liabilities的区别

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 13:08:43
我碰到这么一个问题:Pls give a comparison between DEBT and LIABILITIES.应该怎么回答

1. Debt is a kind of liability.
2. Debt refers to the money you borrowed from others, normally it includes bank loan, bond you issued to others, etc; while liability means the money you need to pay in future, no matter how it was formed.
3. For example, salary payable is liability to employee rather than a debt.

The above is my own opinion rather than official explanation, hope it will be helpful.

Debt更多的意思是债务, Liabilities是指资产负债表里面的负债,含义比debt更广。

A debt is a sum of money that you owe someone
A company's or organization's liabilities are the sums of money which it owes
根据以上翻译:debt指的是一个人所欠下的债务,而 liability指的是一个公司以及组织的债务。

纠正错误:debt也应该是可数名词,原问题应该写成:Please give a comparison between DEBTS and LIABILITIES.