英语题 顾问

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 11:58:41
1:"有事随时找我"的英文怎么说? 2:坐出租车到5中(5中:某所学校的名字)要多久?的英文.(括号里的是解释) 英语顾问:英语技术5级以上 把QQ留下还要经常上QQ的.可以推荐别人和自己...
主要是找顾问 找顾问 英语技术好的

You may come to me if you have something.

How long would it take from here to No. 5 middle school by taxi?

Call me whenever you are in trouble.

How long should I take a taxi to the Fifth Senior School(高中)..primary school(初中)

Call me whenever you have troubles