
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 09:53:20
2. 他今天不是和你在一起吗?
3. 杭州以西湖闻名遐迩。
4. 全年的天气既不太热也不太冷。
5. 两本书都没有趣。
6. 他们俩都不认识我。
7. 我既不学法语,也不学日语。
8. 在我们学校读书的外国学生的数目很少。
9. 他们虽穷,但却善良。
10. 大量的学生在河边植树。
11. 一个16 岁的女孩放弃了她的学业。
12. 我来这儿已有两周了。
13. 他不但会说日语,而且还会说法语。
14. 在市冲浪比赛中,我获得头等奖。
15. 我喜欢住在南方,特别在夏天。
16. 无论什么样的天气,你总是可以看见他在踢足球。
17. 别称赞他,他会骄傲的。
18. 我们的朋友遍天下。
20. 我听说他在忙着冲浪。

1. How long do you stay at Sydney?
2.Didn't he be with you today?
3.Hangzhou is well known as its Xihu.
4. The weather is not hot or cold annually.
5. Not interested in both the books
6. Both of them do not know me.
7. I do not study France or Japanese.
8. The number of foreign students in our school is very few.
9. Although they are poor, they are kind. / They are poor but kind.
10. Majority of the students are planting beside the river.
11. A 16-year-old girl gives up her studies.
12. I have been here for 2 weeks.
13. He can speaks Japanese, as well as France.
14. I got the first place in the surfing competition.
15. I like to live in the South especially during summer.
16. No matter what is the weather, you can always see him playing football.
17. Don't praise him, he will be proud.
18. Our friends are from all over the world.
19. I will finish my essay in 10 minutes.