who have got desperate housewive season3.19

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 08:13:15

A power outage strikes Wisteria Lane, causing Mrs. McCluskey to stumble in the dark and break a rib. She doesn't want to let the paramedics take her to the hospital; she's too concerned that her late husband will be found if the basement freezer thaws. Fortunately, the power comes back on, so she consents to be loaded into the ambulance. What she doesn't know is that the freezer has shorted out.

At Pizzeria Scavo, the power outage doesn't stop Rick from whipping up a gourmet pasta entree, one that customers are only too happy to pay top dollar for. Lynette is thrilled with the new fare and all the money it's bringing in, but a resentful, housebound Tom vetoes a sample dish, saying his goal was always to be a family restaurant, not a "flash in the pan" fancy one. Lynette tells him he has no choice since for the first time since it's opened, the pizzeria is finally making money. To add insult to injury, the local paper gives the new menu a