There are these four ways of answering questions. Which four?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/07 17:38:18
There are questions that should be answered categorically [straightforwardly yes, no, this, that]. There are questions that should be answered with an analytical (qualified) answer [defining or redefining the terms]. There are questions that should be answered with a counter-question. There are questions that should be put aside. These are the four ways of answering questions.

有问题,应斩钉截铁的回答[直截了当的说,是,不,这,即] 。有问题,应该回答与分析(合格)回答[界定或重新界定的条款] 。有问题,应该回答与反质询。问题应该放到一边。这些都是四种方式回答问题。