
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/15 19:13:43


宁夏回族自治区具有悠久的历史。灵武市水洞沟旧石器时代文化遗址中发掘出来的石器、骨器和用火痕迹表明,远在距今3万年前后,宁夏境内就有了人类活动,他们创造了旧石器晚期的“水洞沟文化”。解放后,在宁夏境内陆续发现了较多的“细石器文化”、“马家窑文化”和“齐家文化”遗址。这些遗址表明,距今六七千年到三四千年前,宁夏南北的“居民”已由母系氏族社会进人父系氏族社会、开始从事畜牧业和农业生产,并与中原地区有了密切的联系。商、周时期,境内有称为胡(北狄)、羌(西戎),后又称为鬼戎、猃狁(熏育、荤粥)的游牧部落活动。周宣王时,曾在“太原”(今固原一带)调查户口,表明当时不仅已有较多人口,而且有了行政管理体制。春秋战国时期,固原南部属秦,其余地区分别为义渠戎、朐衍戎等部族的聚居地。 Ningxia name, began in Xixia pacification. Year 1227, the Yuan dynasty out of Xixia, renamed "Ningxia", containing Pingding Xixia, stability, Xixia, Xixia "peaceful" means.Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has a long history. Lingwu city water tunnel ditch Paleolithic culture in the excavated ruins of the stone, Guqi traces of fire use and that, far from the 3 million years ago before and after, in Ningxia will have a human activity, they created the late Paleolithic of the "tunnel Ditch culture. " After the liberation, in Ningxia be found in moreSmall stone cu