
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/06 20:16:17
急需!!! 7月22日早上9点就要交的,各位大侠帮帮忙吧,小弟20分献上了!!!

1.why do you talk to that pig? don't you know it is not human?
2.five girls are more powerful than two men.
3.they are all from the same country.
4.people always think that we are brothers cause we have the same family name.

Why do you talk to that pig,you know,it is not a person
Five female students are more powerful than two male students
how many languages can that golden hair's girl speak
These all people from identical country
people always thought that I and the friend of mine is brothers, because our surname is the same

为什么你不跟我说话呢?! 如果一个陌生女人和你说话,你却不看她一边和她说话一边看地下,那你为什么不看她的脸呢 如果有一个同事,你对他说话的时候他装作听不见,那得用什么方法治他呢? 一只猪对你说话 你会怎样 有些人很贱以为你好说话就好欺负,老是摸你的头,拍你头.你该怎样对他们??? 如果一个男生对你忽冷忽热,又经常说话气你,那代表什么啊? 可是有的客户你还没有开口说话他就拒绝了你?那怎么办呢 在北师大版初一第一册书上《金色花》一课中为什么对妈妈说话时不说“您”而说“你”呢? 如果你的女朋友对你说话有真有假那你还需要相信她吗 怎样才能令一个不太会主动开声同你说话的男生,主动对你说话呢?