Please translate these sentences into Chinese,thanks

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 11:36:39
1,To bring medical services up and down the waterways of Niger Delta.
2,With the good that oil brings to Nigeria comes the bad
3,Now banana farmers are able to grow four to five times more bananas on the same amount of land.

1. 把医疗服务开展到尼日尔三角洲航路的各个角落~

2. 与石油带来的好处一同来尼日利亚的还有坏处~

3. 现在蕉农们都能在同样的土地上种出比以前多四到五倍的香蕉~

3,Now banana farmers are able to grow four to five times more bananas on the same amount of land.现在香蕉场的农民可以在同样大小的土地上种植4到5次香蕉。2,With the good that oil brings to Nigeria comes the bad 油进入尼日利亚,好的变成了坏的。1,To bring medical services up and down the waterways of Niger Delta. 这个不清楚,有上下文语境吗