
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 00:22:12
你找的很全.要是能找到这飞机的国际市场参考价格. 3Q




The Westland Sea King ASaC7 is a Royal Navy helicopter operated in the Airborne Surveillance and Area Control (ASaC) role, previously the Airborne Early Warning (AEW) role. The type operates from the Royal Navy's Invincible class aircraft carriers.

The ASaC7 is a further upgrade of the AEW7, itself an upgraded version of the original Westland Sea King AEW2A, which entered service as a result of the lessons learned during the Falklands War. A crash programme saw two Sea Kings modified and flying within eleven weeks. The first AEW2As were deployed to the South Atlantic soon after the war. 13 Sea Kings were eventually modified. The main modificatio