Violet Hill的中文翻译,请翻得准确点!

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/13 15:33:40

Violet Hill的内容主要展现了现实的黑暗,如所谓政客的频频做秀(By a carnival of idiots on show)却不顾人们的疾苦(From the windows they were watching/While we froze down below);又用十分犀利的语言,可以说是十分blunt了,嘲笑了宗教的两面性,一方面宣扬与人为善,同时又对于所谓"正义"的战争睁一只眼闭一只眼(Priests clutched onto Bibles/Hollowed out to fit their rifles),顶多也只是事后为之祷告(a cross was held aloft),And a fox became God,可见Martin至少认为是十分狡猾的。Violet Hill可能是一种试图躲避现实黑暗的一种心灵寄托。

Violet hill
Was a long and dark December
From the rooftops I remember
There was snow, white snow
Clearly I remember
From the windows they were watching
While we froze down below
When the future's architectured
By a carnival of idiots on show
You'd better lie low
If you love me won't you let me know

Was a long and dark December
When the banks became cathedrals
And a fox became God
Priests clutched onto Bibles
Hollowed out to fit their rifles
And a cross was held aloft
Bury me in armour