
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 08:23:21
aloud ,loudly与loud 的区别

loud 1、adj.(-er, -est) 喧闹的; 响亮的: loud voices, screams, laughs, etc 宏亮的嗓音、 喊声、 笑声等 * That music's too loud; please turn it down. 那音乐太吵人了; 请把音量调低些.
2、adv.(-er, -est) 尤与talk、 sing、 laugh等动词连用: laugh loud and long 大笑不已 * Speak louder I can't hear you. 大点声说--我听不见.

adv.出声地(用足以使人听得到的声音, 既非默不作声地亦非悄悄声地): He read his sister's letter aloud. 他喃喃地读他妹妹的信.
大声地, 高声地(使得在远处也听得见): She called aloud for help. 她高声呼救

adv.高声地;响亮地She screamed as loudly as she could.