
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/13 22:37:00
歌词大概如下.. 因为是从动画插曲中找的`不是十分确定都对..

:Another trophy won(又拿到了一个胜利奖杯) but something'lost(但是丢失了一些的) your world collapses(你的世界崩溃了)My heart turn numb(我的内心变的麻木)Triusmp(这个单词不确定.看后面的翻译应该是胜利一词) for what (为了什么去胜利) Zero hope ,none.Tell me the way to get out.If you find one.I call your name.You seek for love. Konw where it is? I got news for you.Roads too far apart.......下面还好多。。 但是一点一点太慢了。。 如果有知道的能告诉我下` 万分感谢`(http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=451190978) 这是那个动画`名字叫做blassreiter .插曲是在第16分钟左右开始的` 能告诉我的 补20分`谢谢`

附加所有的歌词:Another trophy won.but something'lost.your world collapses.My heart turn numb.Triumph for what. Zero hope ,none.Tell me the way to get out.If you find one.I call your name.You seek for love. Know where it is? I got news for you.Roads too far apart.answer the question.is there anything to fight for?i don't remember,No,i don't recall.Year,i don't remember.But i know i need it.one faith.That's is all we need.one light.That will show the way.what won't wrong.Hope was so close to our hoads.won't someone tell me please?'