they dount care about us 中文歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/20 02:29:06

they Don't Care About Us 他们不在乎我们

skin head 人面兽心
dead head 行尸走肉
everybody 所有人
gone bad 变坏
situation 见风使舵
speculation 投机倒把
everybody 所有人
allegation 起诉
in the suite 在庭上
on the news 新闻里
everybody 所有人
dog food 一文不值
Bang bang 嗙嗙
shock dead 吓死
Everybody's 所有人
gone mad 愤怒了

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说
they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们
all i wanna say is that 我只是想说
they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们

beat me 打击我
hate me 憎恨我
you can never 你永远无法
break me 击垮我
will me 利诱我
thrill me 威胁我
you can never 你永远无法
kill me 杀死我
jew me 我是犹太人
sue me 你就要告我
everybody 一个不剩
do me 都想整我
kick me 踢我
kike me 我是犹太人
don't you black or white me 你颠倒是非黑白

all i wanna say is that 我只是想说
they don't really care about us 有谁在乎我们
all i wanna say is that 我只是想说
they don't really c