Feel后 加名词时有哪些词组?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/03 05:06:18
例如:feel pity/sorry

get the feel of sth. 掌握某事物
have a feel for 对...有天才
how it feels 是什么滋味, 意味着什么
it feels like 好象要...; 似乎是...
make ...felt 使...让人认识清楚
to the feel 摸起来
feel about 摸索
feel after 摸索, 寻找 揣摩, 探寻
feel as if 觉得, 仿佛
feel as though 觉得, 仿佛
feel at home 感觉舒适
feel bad [口]觉得不舒服, 感到有病
feel bad about sth. 对某事感到难过
feel equal to 觉得能胜任
feel for 摸索着寻找 同情, 体谅
feel free to do sth. (请)随便做某事
feel ... in one's bones 深切感到, 确信
feel ... in one's bones that 深切感到, 确信
feel like 摸起来象 [口]想要, 愿意 有...的感觉
feel like thirty cents 害臊, 脸红
feel (like) oneself 觉得精神舒畅, 觉得身体健康
feel out 摸清楚, 探明
feel out of it [口]感到格格不入, 感到自己没份
feel out of things [口]感到格格不入, 感到自己没份
feel quite oneself 觉得健康
feel the need of 对...感到需要
feel the need for 对...感到需要
feel strange 觉得不舒服(头晕); 觉得生疏(不习惯)
feel strongly about 对...抱强硬态度
feel up to 感到有力气去做, 感到能胜任
feel equal to 感到有力气去做, 感到能胜任
