
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/26 23:04:55
年龄2X岁,200x年x月x日在新加坡注册,老公有外遇要求离婚,现在没工作,full time 读书。

问题2: HDB 5RM 200x年x月购买,POSB Loan, 首付我付现金2xxxx,男方只是付CPF1xxxx,每月偿还贷款是男方CPF:6xx, 房租:9xx,(每月应还贷款1xxx)离婚后,应如何分配?
问题6:我的协议是,房子按偿还贷款的比例来分配,财产平分,赡养费一次性给50,000, CPF可以的话我要得到,分居期间他要搬出现有的房子,继续用CPF偿还房子贷款,直到房子出售。如果他不同意,我将考虑单方面签协议,就是要分居4年,从family court 申请赡养费的话我将得到多少赡养费?这样会对我有利么?


I am 2x years of age, jobless, studying full time. Marriage registered in Singapore on xth day x month, 200x, husband now asks for divorce due to his extra-marital affair.
1. How much alimony can I get? I have asked for one time settlement of 50 thousand dollars, is it too much? He has only agreed on 20 thousands.
2. A 5RM HDB flat was bought in x month, 200x on POSB Loan; I paid for the down payment of 2xxxxx, He paid 1xxxx by CPF, he is also responsible for the 6xx dollars monthly installments by CPF, house rent 9xx (every month still has to repay loan of 1xxx ). How shall be the arrangement after divorce?
3. What about other properties like furniture, household appliances, cash deposits, debts, jewelries?
4. Is it true that 3 years separation is needed for a divorce to be effective? His lawyer suggests a dissolving of marriage, according to the Chinese customs, if no ceremonial feast is conducted within 3 years after reg