
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/27 02:22:57
take pay spend cost这些词都有花费的意思,用在句子里该如何区分????????

1 “pay”一般会和“for”搭配使用,主语一定是人。如“sb pay some money for sth”,意思是“某人为某物付款”。
2 take 指“花费”时虽然也可以指花钱,但更侧重于指“花时间”,且有它的常用句型,It takes sb some time\money to do sth.
3 cost 指“花费”时大多指花钱,少数时候也指花时间,其主语必须是物或事,常用句型是something cost sb some money.
4 spend 指花费既可指“时间”又可指“金钱”,没有明显的侧重点。它的常用句型如下:
sb spend some time/money on sth
sb spend some time/money (in) doing sth

take ,cost 是物做主语

spend ,pay 是人做主语


it takes。。。。且通常指时间的花费
xxx costs 指金钱,时间

sb spend on
sb pay for


take sb some time to do sth.花费某人时间做某事……

pay sb to to sth.雇佣某人做某事;
pay 钱 for sth. 花钱买……

spend 钱 on sth. 花钱买…… I spent $5 on the book.
spend some time in doing sth. 花时间做某事

sth. cost sb.钱 eg.:This book cost me 5 dollors.

take一般的句型为:It takes sb.(time) to do sth. (花费时间)
pay 大多用于买东西时的"支付"的意思,如:I pay $35 for my new coat.(花费金额)
spend 既可用