
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/14 06:00:15
1.Not until he got off the bus did he find his pocket___
答案是 picked 森么意思?
2 Watch out ! a car is rushing down the bridge
____ 答案 是 Dear me !You mentioned that 不明白。
3 Sorry to have hurt you
____.You didn't mean to did you?
Key: forget it
记得接待美国学生时,说sorry的话他们回答的都是that's Ok 啊?
4Searching through the box I ___ just the thing ___I was after.
KEy: came upon , / (不懂)
5How is it that you are late for class again?
a.By and then on foot
b Because I missed the bus(对的)
c Yes,I am sorry
是不是 how is it that 就相当与WHY

1. pick-pocket 扒手
pocket picked 口袋被扒
2。啊。。 你提起了。。 (句子好像不完整)
3。 算了,忘掉它,你又不是故意的
4。i came upon just the thing (which)
我(看到)我要找 的 (那)东西
5。 可以这麽说
也是 怎麽 你会迟到



3.这个并不是唯一的回答啊,用 forget it,就是说:算啦,没关系的,一样的噢


5.是的,还有HOW COME 也相当于why……

1, 动词的过去分词形式 表示被动 即被偷
2,谢天谢地 多谢提醒
3,别放在心上 别在意
4,当我在盒子里寻找的时候,我偶然发现了我要寻找的东西。be after寻找,寻求