
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/22 05:47:11

The Spartans inspect each infant born to ensure it is whole - if it is defective, the baby is destroyed. They raise their boys in the school of hard knocks - in combat training, a small boy's loss of his weapon earns a bloody lip from the hand of his own father. At age 7, each young boy is torn from his mother and makes his own way in the wilderness, to return a man. Even the King endures this rite of passage. At age 15, young King-to-be Leonidas (Tyler Max Neitzel) lures a wolf into a narrow passage so that he can kill it. He returns to civilisation as a King.

A Persian emissary visits Sparta. King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) refuses to make Sparta part of King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) empire, and kills the messenger. Later, as Xerxes army approaches, Leonidas must consult the oracles to obtain their favour before sending the Spartan army in battle. He explains his strategy (to repair the wall and defend at Hells Gate) to the uncaring priests. The word from the oracle (