今天云层很厚 英语怎么说?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/30 07:38:55
今天云层很厚 /今天天气闷热


The cloud is thick today.
It's muggy today.

今天云层很厚: It's overcast today. The cloud is so thick.
今天天气闷热: It's humid and muggy today.

今天云层很厚: The clouds are heavy today. / The sky is heavy.
今天天气闷热: It's stuffy and muggy.

The clouds are thick.
It's hot and wet.

今天云层很厚-It's cloudy today.
今天天气闷热-It's muggy today.

Today the cloud is thick ,and the weather is hot