
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/25 03:36:53
From a marketing perspective ,that by quoting a nominal per annum based interest rate charge of 6% rather than it's equivalent effective rate of interest charge of 6.09%,such a loan facility may appear to be cheaper than it actually is.这句话怎么理解才好呢。 对于这里的rather than 理解不好,而且,对于这句话所讲的内容也不能很好的理解,不管是哪个方法更cheap,我都不能理解为什么。

“从营销角度上来讲,标nominal interest rate (0.6%),而不标实际上相等的effective rate (6.09%) 会看起来比较便宜一点。”


rather than而不是
标出收年利息 6% 而不是收实际利息 6.09%, 显得便宜些。
(Because of the compound effect, ususally calculated semiannually for borrowing money . so 1.03^2 = 1.0609)

就是说相对于实际利率6。09%来说,名义上年6%的利率要便宜些。because the bank compound interest semi-annually, quarterly, monthly will cause the different annual interest rates.