i must not chase the boys铃声的下载地址

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/05/23 23:51:41


I must not chase the boys所在专辑:《Replay》 演唱歌手:Play
honey to the bee 歌手Billie Piper Album
just a little 歌手:Play

I Must Not Chase the Boys


Won't someone tell me what is happening to me?
Why am I so misunderstood why can't they see?
Now I'm caught between the devil and the angel that I used to be
They say I'll understand it all in good time
But age ain't nothing but a number in my mind
I'm going crazy with this push me pull me
Caught between wrong and right

I wanna give into the woman in me
I wanna be someone they don't want me to be
The moral of the story is I got no choice
I must not chase the boys

I start writing down my