
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 22:10:04
Torres couldn't have known back then that when he graduated in Aapril,the state's economy would have tanked, budget cuts would dig deep into the cityA and the cityB school district coffers,school enrollment would deline in both citys and a voter mandate to reduce class size--solved by extra classroom and more teacher--would beput on hold.

have known back 后面的内容整个做know的宾语。句子的主干就是Torres couldn't have known back sth.
这个sth里面包含的内容又是一个时间状语从句引头,when...aapril,之后,国家经济陷入泥潭,具体表现在预算的减少甚至触及到AB两城市学校的行政资金上,学校的入学率将会减少,通过投票表决的减少班级规模增加教师和教室的决议将会暂缓。整个大的宾语里面budget,school enrollment,voter mandate都是平行结构,最后的一个半句, voter mandate to reduce class size--solved by extra classroom and more teacher--would beput on hold,主干在voter mandate more teacher--would beput on hold,剩下的都是为了说明这个决议的内容和目的。