
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/25 02:47:51
急求 各位仁兄 暑假作业 不可小视呀 我上初一 希望大家帮帮忙


Les Miserables (Synopsis)

Jean Valjean, released on parole after 19 years on the chain gang, finds that the yellow ticket-of-leave condemns him to be an outcast. Only the saintly Bishop of Digne treats him kindly and Valjean, embittered by years of hardship, repays him by stealing some silver. Valjean is caught and brought back by police, and is astonished when the Bishop lies to the police to save him and also gives him two precious candlesticks. Valjean decides to start his life anew.

Eight years have passed and Valjean, having broken his parole and changed his name to Monsieur Madeleine, has risen to become mayor of Montreuil. Javert, a police sergeant who has been tracking the parole-breaker for years, discovers Valjean’s true identity and swears to put him back in jail. To keep his promise to Fantine, a dying woman, Valjean escapes from Javert and rescues Cossette, Fauntine’s illegitimate daughter, from the Thenardiers who have