
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/05 05:39:40
恩,Lizzie Mcguire中I've Got Rhythmic那集Lizzie比赛时的背景音乐,在百度上没找到歌名和演唱者. 部分歌词如下:
When the spotlight lands on you
Suddenly you star
It's your light
That's when it's your turn
To light on fire
Watch it burn
It's your moment
Let it shine
When it's all eyes on you
Show 'em where you come from
When it's all eyes on you
Stand up!
Stand up...
Eyes on you...
...standing still
That's the moment when you...
...your best friend
See you win
See you win...

这个版本的【Lizzie Mcguire】是06年国外网友自己压制上传至网盘的。全65集。视频比原先6.99G的清晰,尺寸是原来的4倍。因为CiCi用电驴传不如FTP快,所以这样发出来。链接依旧是国外网友Sn@kebite上传的资源。英文原声无字幕。因为Sn@kebite上传的资源有些缩略了剧集的名称,剧集的顺序也不太一样,所以按照苹果iTunes网店最近开始销售的Lizzie Mcguire全2季的顺序做出剧集序列和概要放在下面,以供需要的朋友修改视频名称。上面发的两个电驴的链接是两季的英文剧本,想要做字幕或喜欢英文原字的朋友可以自己下载。

