蝉的种类,叫声 翻译成英语

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蚱蝉又叫知了、鸣蝉,在这个小家族中个头最大了。体长约4厘米,混身漆黑发亮,鸣声粗犷而宏亮,鸣声高亢响亮,像是男高音。不过,它们的声音有点刺耳,每当中午时分,当群蝉齐鸣时,颇有扰人休息之嫌。 (4cm

鸣鸣蝉个性孤僻,只在山区分布,叫声总是“呜呜呜……哇”的悲哀凄惨的声调,好像是在哭泣。 (wu wu wu .ying....wa)

伏了蝉到夏至时才登台歌唱,“伏了、伏了”地连声不停,伏天刚到,它便迫不及待地告诉人们“伏了”。也许它是好意,提前告诉人们伏天就要结束了,请做好气候变凉的准备。 (fu liao...fuliao)

寒蝉,体长约2.5厘米,头胸淡绿色,因它在深秋时节叫得欢,故又称秋蝉。寒蝉入秋才开始鸣叫,它们的歌唱才是这场“蝉声系列音乐会”的压轴曲。不过它们只是“滋滋滋”地一个音符,唱得太单调,其艺术水平实在不堪担负压轴的重任。 (zizi ...zi)


Homoptera cicadas are cicadas Branch, the world's known about 2000, China only 200. They appear in the nature of time inconsistency. Platypleura kaempferi Squilla, of about two centimeters, the body dark brown. Platypleura kaempferi Squilla was the first stage of the singing actor, a sharp ring and long, continuous.

Tetrigoidea cicadas called Zhile, Maemi, in this small family of the largest in the head. 4 cm in length, Hunshen lights up the dark, wild and Hongliang ring, ring loud and sonorous, such as tenor. However, their voices a bit harsh, when around noon, when the group cicada Qi-ming, quite annoying rest of suspicion. (4cm

Ming-Ming cicada personality withdrawn only in the mountains, distribution, always call "Wu Wuwu…… wow" the sorrow of the tragic tone, is like crying. (wu wu wu. ying .... wa)

V of the summer solstice when the cicadas to the stage singing, "V, V," and repeatedly kept, Futian first arrived, it w