
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/18 15:11:26


Glad to receive your E-mail! How is everything with you? I miss you a lot, even more! Those pictures have been received already! How is your summer holiday? Did you enjoy that? Well, this summer is boring for me, cause I didn't go anywhere. What's even worse, I slept for 12 hours everyday...And my parents had to work, no one could be together with me!

Regards to your family!

Glad to receive your E-mail. Does everything go well recently? I miss you very much. I have received photos. What is going on with your summer vocation? Are you happy? I have a very frustrating holiday, because I have no place to visit. I sleep 12 hours among a day. My parents are still in work. Nobody takes me to play!
Best wishes to your family.

I'm very glad to recieve your e-mail!How are you recently? i miss you very much,too,miss you much!i have recieved your photos!how is your summer holiday going ?do you enjoy it?I am very sad about my holiday.because i don't go