Cytoluminescent therapy什么意思

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/24 23:24:21
Cytoluminescent therapy是一个医学词汇,请提供解释!


Cytoluminescent Therapy is a form of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) characterized by a photosensitiser (Photoflora) which is rapidly eliminated from normal tissue but selectively accumulated in neoplastic and dysplastic tissue. This is followed by whole body irradiation with light of the specific wave length which activates the photosensitiser. The result is selective damage or elimination of tumor cells while normal tissues are unharmed.

Cytoluminescent therapy

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cytoluminescent Therapy is a proposed cancer treatment as a form of Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) characterized by a photosensitiser that is supposedly eliminated from normal tissue but selectively accumulated in neoplastic and dysplastic tissue. This is followed by whole body irradiation with light of the specific wave length which activates the photosensitiser. The result is supposed to be selective damage or elimination of tumor cells while norm