
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/02 22:55:20
有一首歌曲 音乐节奏背景是DMX的party up 但是是痞子阿姆EMINEM唱的 请高人指点 这首歌曲的名字 谢谢...高分
其中里面一句唱词好像是 P Z YA... P Z YA

I Ain't gonna eat, I ain't gonna sleep
Ain't gonna breath till I see what I wanna see
And what I wanna see is you go to sleep in the dirt
Permanently.you just being hurt
This ain't gonna work for me, it just wouldn't be
Sufficient enough.cuz we.are just going to be.enemies
As long as we breathe, I don't ever see.either of us
Coming to terms.well we can agree
There ain't gonna be
No reasoning, speaking with me
You speak on my seed, then me no speak ah Eng-less
So we going to beef, and keep on beefing unless
You gonna agree, to meet with me in the flesh
And settle this face to face, and you going to see
A deamon unleashed in me, that you never seen
And you going to see this gangsta pee on himself
I see you D12, and thanks, but me need no help
Me do this one all by my lonely, I don't need 15 of my homies
When I see you, I'm seeing you, me