拜托 请高手帮忙中译英 摘要 在线等,不要翻译机

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/17 15:10:01
开放式教学,渊源于科恩(R .C .Cohn)1969年创建的以题目为中心的"课堂讨论模型"和"开放课堂模型"--人本主义的教学理论模型;同时,还渊源于斯皮罗(Spiro)1992年创建的"随机通达教学"和"情景性教学"--建构主义的教学模式。这些教学理论模型强调:学习是学习者主动建构的内部心理表征过程,教师的角色是思想的"催化剂"与"助产士"。
《数学课程标准》指出:学习和教学方法必须是开放而多样的,开放性是课堂教学评价的一条重要原则。开放式的教学,是以学生主动探索、发现、获取知识为目的。改变教与学的方式,创设问题情境,激发探究热情,引导动手操作、自主探索,组织学生广泛交流, 培养了创新意识和思维的灵活性。这样的教学真正让学生经历在实际情境中提出并解决问题的过程,获得探索成功的体验,树立学好数学的信心。

关键词: 开放式教学 主动探索 创新意识

The Jiang Zeming comrade say:"A the race that don't have the innovation ability is hard to stand erect at the wood of world race."The ages call mathematics educator and change education idea, reform talented person development mode, stir up a student independence thinking and innovation of consciousness.
Open type teaching, the origin is at the section boon(R.C .Cohn)1969 establish of"classroom discussion model" and"open classroom model" that regards the topic as the center-person origin doctrine of teaching theories model;Return an origin at the Si skin in the meantime(Spiro)1992 establish of"random well versed teaching" and"scene teaching"-construction or purchase the teaching mode of doctrine.These teaching theories the model emphasize:Study is that the learner be active construction or purchase of inner part mental state token process, the teacher's role is thought of"catalyst" and"midwife".